The future of IoT-based Parking Management System
Sophisticated technologies keep booming, and they play a vital role in every other industry, making people’s lives a lot easier. Right from digitalization, Artificial Intelligence(AI), Virtual Reality(VR), Mobile Apps, have already transformed the way people live, shop, travel, and spend.
Likewise, IoT is a relatively new technology that has enabled us to own smart homes, voice assistants, smart vehicles, and the list goes on and on. With the increase in urban population and more cars on roads, parking has always been a problem. Can IoT bring a solution to our parking problem?
All those who live in cities know how difficult it is to get parking, especially during peak hours or weekends. People do multiple rounds in their cars, searching for parking, and often park them far away from where they actually want to get down.
We have smart cities already. A smart parking management system is the need of the hour now. What if you say you can plan your parking also along with your shopping, dinner, or movie? An IoT-based intelligent parking management system enables you to book your parking lot prior.
You can choose where you want to park, like on-street, off-street, covered, or uncovered. Not just this, the IoT parking management system has a lot of innovations on the list to offer. Read on.
What is an IoT-based Parking System?
An IoT-based parking system is an intelligent parking system that sends data about free and occupied parking places through web/mobile applications. The IoT device, which includes live sensors and microcontrollers, is placed in each parking place. It sends a live update to the users about the availability of the parking spaces, enabling the users to choose the most suitable one.
Innovations in Smart Parking:
With the parking lot sensor system, connected platforms, and other IoT applications, drivers can find the nearest parking spot and check whether it is available or occupied. Hands down, real-time parking maps will be more common in the future, facilitating a seamless parking experience for everyone.
Here are some top innovations in smart parking applications that are already in use, while some are yet to come in the coming years.
1)Tracking Sensors:
IoT is the technology behind vehicle tracking. With tools like GPS and OBD sensors, an IoT device collects location data on a car and monitors the availability of parking spaces. The data is then transferred to the cloud gateway for processing. Once done, the processed data reaches the network server. The system finally displays the precise data to the drivers/users.
Currently, only some large-scale corporate organizations use IoT-based vehicle trackers for fleet management. However, with 5G, the IoT devices will become more accessible, and an Intelligent parking system will manage daily transports and eliminate parking challenges.
2)Smart Counter Systems:
The counting system detects the vehicles entering and leaving the parking lot and intimates the vehicle owners about the availability of parking spaces in real-time.
Parking lot owners can leverage the automatic counting system to understand the customer flow, determine the trends and patterns like which days/hours are most crowded, and thus can serve them efficiently.
3)Safety Controls:
IoT systems can provide solutions to parking violations and thus help to prevent unnecessary accidents. IoT devices have a network of sensors and rapid data processing algorithms that help capture and report parking infringements with visual evidence.
4)Automated Parking Systems:
Automated parking systems can provide solutions to limited parking spaces by effectively using the available space. It moves the car to the up or down levels of the parking facility based on availability.
The Automated Parking System (APS) is fully automated and has restricted access. Thus, parking the vehicle is more safe and secure. It saves time, energy and the entire parking process is hassle-free.
Why is the IoT-based Parking System the future? What are its Benefits?
The surge in population in cities due to job opportunities demands a sophisticated infrastructure. Most families in cities have two cars to commute to work and other purposes. That, in turn, creates an increased need for parking spaces.
The IoT-based parking management system provides the perfect solution to the increased parking demands and driver’s needs. Here is how
1)Monitor Parking Space in real-time:
The IoT-based parking system allows you to find the available parking spaces in real-time precisely. It clearly says yes or no. So, there is no guessing game or doing multiple rounds over the parking facility. You can check available parking spaces readily and track the occupancy of parking lots effortlessly.
2)Organized and Manageable Parking Spaces in busy cities:
IoT-based parking systems allow people to find a parking spot effectively, making the entire parking experience more convenient. That, in turn, avoids traffic jams, enabling people to be more productive or enjoy their day out.
Moreover, IoT-based parking facility management devices encourage business owners to make the most out of the available space. For instance, a parking management system adjusts the meter fares automatically, depending on the current occupancy of the parking lot. Plus, automated meter renewal tools will enable parking facilities to generate more revenue and attract new visitors.
3)Aids Businesses, Customers, and Traffic Incharge Representatives to Manage Situations better:
IoT-based parking systems ensure safety to drivers, as it indicates to them if they are about to park their vehicle in a no-parking area. Plus, traffic police can enforce traffic laws efficiently. Yes, the IoT systems will provide relevant data regarding parking violations; and real-time alters when a driver parks a vehicle in an unassigned spot.
4)Accurately Forecast the Vehicle Flow by evaluating Parking Routines in Crowded and Busy areas:
The IoT-based parking management system will provide accurate details and clarity towards the parking routines. For instance, businesses can collect real-time driver data and determine seasonal crowds and trends. All these data can be crucial to understand the pattern of customers for their businesses as well.
Also, it gives meaningful insights into a wide range of behavioral and environmental patterns. That, in turn, enables the parking facility owners to learn how the flow of vehicles evolves every year, the reason for growing parking demand in specific time frames and how to enhance the usage of parking spots accordingly.
Wrapping Up:
With today’s well-advanced and modern technologies, innovation is made possible in every other industry. Yes, IoT is one such advanced and sophisticated technology that has been successfully implemented in various fields, including healthcare, farming, logistics, and so on. The technology has provided optimal solutions in almost all niches. So, why not solve the most common problem that urban people face in their daily lives- finding parking spaces?
The IoT-based parking management systems can bring innovative solutions like vehicle tracking, automatic vehicle counting, mitigating parking violations, ensuring safety, automated parking systems, and more. With the growing urban population and traffic jams, the future demands intelligent parking management systems to handle crowds and traffic.
Unsurprisingly, IoT systems will have even more advanced features in the future, enabling more efficient and seamless parking management systems.